Personal Info: Hello, my name is Joevante Fox. I love playing on the computer, helping people with problems, and just hanging out.
I enjoy nice discussions on games, and how to improve things. I'm a very nice dude, but i'm a man of my principals, you do something wrong and im gonna get pissed rather easily, but i don't burst out alot. I like to Joke around also, and i love great Grammar, i would try to understand the people who t@|k l!k3 th!$ though.
In-Game Name: OneLove (Not created yet, due to the server being fixed)
Location/Timezone: The Bahamas UTC/GMT -5 hours
Age: 14
Experience: I haven't actually been a GM in other private servers, but i wish to begin in this one, although i wasn't a GM i helped out people, with downloading the game, fixing errors while trying to start it usually, i dedicate alot of time trying to help people with errors.
Proof of Experience(optional):
Why should you be choosen to be a GameMaster?: I should be chosen so i can help if theres a mass amount of people with help, i'd know how to divide it up. I work well alone actually, rather than relying on others. I can figure out how to stop someone hacking also. E.g I would go into Hide and stalk them and screenshot them hacking.
Contact Information: (MSN) Joevante Fox (Facebook)
How active will you if you are accepted?: I would probally be on alot on the weekends, on week days i'd try to be on for about 3 hours a day.
What could you contribute to the server?: I could start by recruiting people, Fixing errors (Not alot), and recommend the server to others.
What would you do if you saw a hacker?: I would first tell them to stop hacking then about 2 days later, i would stalk them to make sure they stop, if not i will screenshot them hacking and ban them.
Why do you want to be a GM?: I want to be a GM because when i try to help people, i hate how i am restricted from getting some of the options GM's have, like checking if someone is banned, and the reason and investigated about it.
Extra Info: I'd like to thank you for reading this application and hope you would accept me.